Friends Schlössli Utenberg

Although the Schlössli Utenberg is not a castle at all, but an estate, this name has been established since the 1990s. We Lucerne residents are proud of this manor house from the Rococo period (1757) and feel connected to the beautiful estate, which once belonged to the powerful Schumacher family, who even called themselves Schumacher-Uttenberg. Later, the American Charles Bain Hoyt was the owner. He died in 1949 and bequeathed the estate to the city of Lucerne by contract. The city ran the traditional costume museum in the house from 1950-1994. From 1996, the Schlössli Utenberg was used as a restaurant.


Would you also like to know what happens to the house and would you like to be part of the history of Schlössli Utenberg? Would you also like to make a contribution to the culture of Lucerne and this very special place?

The initiative for the association came from some Zwetschgen. These are descendants of the seven sisters who were born and grew up on the Utenberg estate at the beginning of the 19th century, five of whom had children. With the association, these Zwetschgen want to give as many people as possible the opportunity to become a part of Utenberg history and give expression and weight to those interested. Above all, the association aims to promote culture and research around the Schlössli Utenberg.

The purpose of the association is described as follows:

We see ourselves as ambassadors and mouthpieces for the historical monument “Schlössli Utenberg” and support the cultural activities at Schlössli Utenberg.

As a member you will receive

a) Periodic information about the Schlössli Utenberg
b) Free admission to a cultural event at the Schlössli Utenberg
c) Invitation to the annual friends’ aperitif at Schlössli Utenberg

The annual membership fee has been set at a minimum of CHF 50 per person. You will be accepted as a member after registration and payment. All natural or legal persons who support the purpose of the association and feel attracted to this beautiful place can become members.

Register now and become a member


Marius Fischer (President)
Jan D. T. Widmer (Vice President)
Rodolphe Schobinger (Cashier)
Roland von Moos (Actuary)
Brigit Fischer
Peter Egloff
Walter Fellmann
Jürg Meyer
Luzi Meyer
Loris F. Mainardi
Jost Schumacher
Louis Schumacher
Philippe von Segesser


Friends Schlössli Utenberg

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